
Pentax DSLR
0 reviews

This driver supports various Pentax cameras in MSC and/or PTP mode, depending on the camera. Compatibility In general, a greater number of cameras are supported in MSC mode. However, in certain use cases on more recent cameras (e.g. no bulb mode, no pri ...

Player One Astronomy Cameras
0 reviews

Features The driver supports the standard single-frame capture mode in addition to video streaming when supportted. Furthermore, it supports: Guiding via ST4 port. Color and Mono cameras. RAW8, RAW16 and RGB24 image data support. Temperature con ...

QHY CCD & Filter Wheel
0 reviews

Features The driver supports capture, binning, setting temperature, gain and offset adjustment, subframing, and control of internal QHY Color-Filter-Wheel (CFW). Moreover, guiding via ST4 port is also supported. Temperature control is available if th ...

QSI CCD & Filter Wheel
0 reviews

Features INDI QSI should be able to support all Quantum Scientific Imaging (QSI) 500/600 family of cameras & filter wheels in addition to autoguiding support, whenever applicable. Operation Once you're connected, you can capture images as FITS from ...

Raspberry Pi Camera
0 reviews

Features The driver supports capture and gain adjustment. The image returned in FITS format is in Bayer BGGR 16 unsigned raw format. Currently with a fixed size of 4056x3040. To capture a single-frame image, simply set the desired exposure time in se ...

SBIG CCD & Filter Wheel

Features INDI SBIG driver supports all SBIG family of CCDs/Guider and Filter wheels. Both USB & Parallel Port versions are supported. Mono and color CCDs are fully supported as well. INDI SBIG drivers are available for x86 and ARM architectures in b ...

Starlight Xpress CCD
0 reviews

Features The driver supports all Starlight Xpress CCDs, including autoguiders such as Lodestar. You can take exposures, set frame type and dimensions, and control temperature & cooler when applicable. The CCD must be powered and connected before you ...

SVBony Cameras
0 reviews

Features The driver supports the standard single-frame capture mode in addition to video streaming when supported. Furthermore, it supports: SV305 Pro ST4 port guiding Software Framing/ROI. Software Binning Slow, medium and fast framing RAW8 an ...

Toupcam Cameras
0 reviews

Features The driver supports the standard single-frame capture mode in addition to video streaming when supportted. Furthermore, it supports: Guiding via ST4 port. Color and Mono cameras. 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 bit support. For 10,12 and 14bit came ...

UVC Web Cameras
0 reviews

Features The driver constructs all the controls provided by the underlying Video4Linux device such as brightness, gamma, contrast...etc in addition to any device-specific properties. Subframing and binning is supported in software. Both gray scale and c ...

Web Cameras
0 reviews

Features The INDI Webcam driver should support many different types of devices including: AV Foundation Cameras on OS X V4L2 Cameras on LInux DC 1394 Cameras on Linux IP Cameras over Ethernet and Wifi Cell Phone and Mobile Device Cameras over Wifi ...

ZWO ASI Cameras
0 reviews

Features This is the INDI driver for ZWO ASI cameras. It supports all models. The camera must be powered on and connected before you run the INDI driver. The INDI control panel exposes data associated with the device and permits parameters to be set. I ...

ZWO ASI Cameras & Filter Wheels - OLD
0 reviews

Features This is the INDI driver for the ZWO Optics ASI cameras and filter wheels. It supports all models. The camera must be powered and connected before you run the INDI driver, Operation You can set the exposure time, and control cameras propertie ...