The App fails to detect StellarMate after clicking RESCAN? Resolved

Please check the following suggestions:

  1. Ensure that you can see stellarmate HotSpot network name in the list of networks detected by your tablet. If the stellarmate network is not listed, then check StellarMate power. If power is OK (steady Red Led with occasional Green flashes) then check and make sure the SD card at the bottom of the unit is plugged in securely. If SD card OK, use the HDMI cable to connect the unit to a nearby monitor/TV and check for any error messages. Take a photo of the error and open a support ticket in order for our technical support to help you further.
  2. Ensure Tablet must be connected to the HotSpot (default password is stellar@mate)
  3. Ensure that StellarMate power is sourced from a 5v @ 3A steady power source. Anything less than 3A would make it unstable.
  4. If you have equipment connected to the USB3 ports of StellarMate, try to unplug them and restart StellarMate as USB3 might sometimes causes interferance with 2.4Ghz wireless networks

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